2022-11-15b - Hot Dogs

Day #0103 (Tue., Nov. 15, 2022) – Total Down: 13.9 lbs.!

2022-11-15 - Weigh InI was quite happy this morning when the scale reported that I weighed in at 335.9 lbs. (see photo to the left). 2022-11-15a - SnacksThis means that I have lost a total of 1.1 lbs. since yesterday, and am down 13.9 lbs. since I started the diet 103 days ago!

I didn’t eat until well after noon today.  I guess you could call this an “intermittent fasting” day.  2022-11-15b - Hot DogsWhen I did eat, I had a bag of Cheetos and a chocolate candy (see photo to the right) as I was out the door to pick up the boy from school.

When I got back home I had a couple of hot dogs in the air fryer.  Instead of buns I used a couple of slices of low-cal bread (see photo to the left).

2022-11-15c - SpaghettiThis evening I decided that I would have some of my wife’s spaghetti for dinner (see photo to the right).  Not the most low-cal meal, but I did fast up till after noon today.

2022-11-15d - BreadTo accompany this dish of spaghetti I had some “Bread & Spread” (see photo to the left).  You need to have bread with spaghetti, right?

2022-11-15e - SaladNext up for dinner this evening?  Salad!  This included some cabbage, spinach, carrots, grape leaves, and my special dressing of lite mayo, ketchup, and relish (see photo to the right).

2022-11-15f - CookieTime for dessert!  To start off I had one of the chocolate chip cookies that my boy picked up at Aldi the other day (see photo to the left).

2022-11-15g - ChipsI got into the chips next (see photo to the right).  I shouldn’t have, but I did.  You know the thing about chips, right?  The fact that you can’t stop at one?  Well, I didn’t stop at one…

2022-11-15h - Ice CreamNot to be outdone, I felt like having some ice cream, so enter the “Arctic Bar” into my eating equation for the day (see photo to the left).

So, that’s it for today.  Let’s hope that the intermittent fasting section of the day could counteract the chips and things that I had later on in the day.

See you at the scale tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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