2023-03-26 - Sweet Potato Toast

Day #0085 (Sun., Mar. 26, 2023) – Sweet Potato Toast!

2023-03-26 - Sweet Potato ToastThis morning the scale said that I weighed 339.5 lbs. So, I’m down 0.8 lbs. since yesterday, and down 8.1 lbs. since the diet began.

Take a look at the delish dish in the photo to the right!  “Sweet Potato Toast”!  Pretty easy to make, and as delish as it looks.  Take two slices of Aldi bread, put some hot sweet potato on top, add a dab of whipped cream, and some sprinkles.  Enjoy!

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Chanko Nabi (with hamburger), and two slices of toast.
  • Diet cola.
  • “Sweet Potato Toast” (see photo to the right).
  • Chanko Nabi (with dumplings), and two slices of toast.
  • Diet cola.
  • “Sweet Potato Toast” (see photo to the right).
  • Coffee with sugar-free creamer.

That’s it for today!  No exercise, but we’ll be on Vancouver Island next week so perhaps I will get a lot of walking and hiking in.  Tomorrow is another day!  See you then…

Author: MainAdmin

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