2023-03-27 - Tomato Soup

Day #0086 (Mon., Mar. 27, 2023) – Tomato Soup!

2023-03-27 - Tomato SoupI didn’t weigh myself till this afternoon, but when I did the scale said that I weighed 0 lbs. So, I’m down 0 lbs. since yesterday, and 0 lbs. overall.

On a miserable rainy day like today there is nothing like some tomato soup (see photo to the right). I get this can of condensed tomato soup from Aldi for under a buck, add some water, NUKE it, and I’m good to go…

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Turkey and cheese wrap.
  • Diet cola.
  • Turkey, potato, and cheese wrap.
  • Bag of potato chips.
  • Diet cola.
  • Coffee with sugar free creamer.

I’ll be gone on vacation to Victoria in a couple of days, so I suspect my eating will be WAY OFF… Oh well, it’s vacation time. I’ll hit the gym when I get back!

Author: MainAdmin

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