2022-11-14 - Status Pics

Day #0102 (Mon., Nov. 14, 2022) – Total Down: 12.8 lbs.!

2022-11-14 - Weigh In337.0 lbs. was what the scale told me this morning (see photo to the left). This equates to a 0.9 lbs. weight loss since yesterday, and 12.8 lbs. weight loss overall.

2022-11-14 - Status PicsI thought you might like to see some status pics. The series of photos to the right shows how the weight loss is going…  Still a ways to go, as you can tell…

2022-11-14a - Bean BurritoI wanted something healthy for breakfast this morning so I opened up a can of baked beans, chopped up some cabbage and hot sauce, and wrapped it all up in a low-cal tortilla.  You can see the result in the photo to the left.

2022-11-14b - Bean BurritoThat burrito was so tasty that I thought I would have another.  Pretty much the same except that I substituted spinach for cabbage (see photo to the right).

2022-11-14c - SoupThe photo to the left shows the “Soup & Sandwich” combo that would be my lunch.  I must say that I am enjoying the Aldi tomato soup that I’ve been getting.  An “egg white sandwich” is a great accompaniment.

2022-11-14d - TrufflesI thought I would have a light dessert at lunchtime today, so two “truffles” fit the bill (see photo to the right).  Intense chocolate and not too bad in the calorie area if you only have one or two.

2022-11-14e - LasagnaMy wife made some lasagna this evening so I thought I would make this part of my evening meal.  I could have eaten the whole dish, but it’s rather calorie dense, so you have to be careful.  A bag of Cheetos accompanied a small slice (see photo to the left).

2022-11-14f - FriesStill hungry, and looking for something bulky, I headed for the “Air Fryer Fries” (see photo to the right).  The photo doesn’t show it, but I added lots of ketchup, which is my norm.

2022-11-14g - Arctic BarIce cream time!  For my last food items of the day I decided to have an “Arctic Bar” (see photo to the left).  Cold, creamy, and delish!

I feel a bit of a cold coming on, so I didn’t exercise this evening.  I did go to Aldi mid-day to pick up some ketchup, but I wouldn’t really consider this much exercise.  A bit perhaps, but not much.  Certainly not as intense as the rowing machine or playing soccer.

See you at the scale tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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