2022-11-13a - Breakfast

Day #0101 (Sun., Nov. 13, 2022) – Total Down: 11.9 lbs.!

2022-11-13 - Weigh InI weighed in this morning and 337.9 lbs. (see photo to the right). So, I’m up 1.3 lbs. since yesterday, and down 11.9 lbs. overall.

2022-11-13a - BreakfastIt’s Sunday so what a great day to have a “Big Breakfast” (see photo to the right), or at least my version of it.  Turkey bacon, which tends to be low in fat, and egg whites as well.

2022-11-13b - CreamerI also had a cup of coffee this morning.  I thought that I would show the latest creamer that I picked up at Aldi.  It’s a “Cinnamon Roll” flavored version!  Tasty, and lower in calories as well.  You never know when a new product like this launches if it will make it or not, but I sure hope that this one survives!

2022-11-13c - Bean WrapFor lunch I headed for the wraps!  Only baked beans and cabbage with some hot sauce inside the wrap (see photo to the right), but rather delish.  So good in fact that I had three of them!

2022-11-13d - Pizza & SaladFor dinner this evening my wife made a couple of pizzas, so I had a “Pizza & Salad” (see photo to the left).  Not too much pizza though, with lots of salad!

2022-11-13e - ToastFinishing off the day of eating I had some low-cal “Toast” (see photo to the right).  A bit of PB2 with some fruit jam.  Delish version of dessert!

For exercise today I had a game of soccer with the boy in the front yard.  It sure can get your heart rate up.  It’s more fun to exercise with someone else as well!

See you at the scale tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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