2022-11-12f - Toast

Day #0100 (Sat., Nov. 12, 2022) – Total Down: 13.2 lbs.!

2022-11-12 - Weigh InDay #100. It’s been 100 days since I started this regimen. This morning I was down to 336.5 lbs. (see photo to the left).  Cool!  So I lost 0.7 lbs. since yesterday, and 13.2 lbs. overall.

2022-11-12a - BaconI thought that I would start off eating today with some “Hashbrowns & Bacon” (see photo to the right).  This version of turkey bacon that we get at Aldi has more slices per package than the one we used to get at Trader Joe’s, so we can feed the whole family with just one package!

2022-11-12b - Egg SandwichFor lunch today I turned to my “Egg White Sandwich” (see photo to the left).  I find that if you put the slice of cheese on top of one slice of bread, and then the hot egg white on top of that, it will melt the cheese and create a nice juicy and tasty combo… 🙂

2022-11-12c - WeinersStill hungry, I decided that I would have a couple of weiners and some broccoli that my wife made for the kids (see photo to the right).  As an interesting side note, the kids don’t like buns anymore… 🙂

2022-11-12d - ChipsOh, and don’t forget the crunch!  I had some “Clancy’s Cheese Curls” (see photo to the left) to add some crunch to my lunch menu!

2022-11-12e - Tomato SoupMy dinner meal centered around some “Tomato Soup” (see photo to the right).  I get a can of condensed tomato soup at Aldi and add a cup or so of water to make it more liquid.  I could add milk to make it more creamy, but don’t want to add the extra calories.

2022-11-12f - ToastDon’t forget the “Toast” (see photo to the left).  A slice of tomato and some fruit jam and you are good to go!

2022-11-12g - Ice CreamI’ve been getting away from “Ice Cream” as of late, but thought that I would rectify this situation this evening.  If you take a look at the image to the right, you will see some coconut ice cream, some low-cal Walden Farms caramel syrup, and a bit of whipped cream.

Not a bad day of eating, wouldn’t you agree?  I could have done without the ice cream at the end of the day, but a little bit of indulgence shouldn’t hurt, should it?  We’ll see what the scale has to say about it tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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