2022-11-10b - Blueberry Toast

Day #0098 (Thu., Nov. 10, 2022) – Total Down: 12.3 lbs.!

2022-11-10 - Weigh InThe scale tells me that I weigh 337.5 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This is great as it means I’m down 2 whole lbs. since yesterday, and 12.3 lbs. overall.

2022-11-10a - Egg White SandwichFirst up this morning?  An “Egg White Sandwich” of course (see photo to the right).  I thought that I would show a pic of the “innerds”… 🙂  Looks yummy eh?

2022-11-10b - Blueberry ToastI felt like a bit of dessert so I had some “Blueberry Toast” (see photo to the left).  Blueberry toast, but some strawberry jam on top.  Sounds kind of strange, but delish nonetheless!

2022-11-10c - Clam ChowderMy wife made some “Clam Chowder” this morning (see photo to the right).  Accompanied by some Aldi Keto bread, it was quite a satisfying lunch.  I downed a zero coke as well.

2022-11-10d - SteakDinner time!!!  I had this steak in the fridge saying “Eat Me”, so I obliged (see photo to the left).  I had a nice dish of mashed potatoes with some creamed corn as an accompaniment.  Wonderful combo!

2022-11-10e - FruitI thought that I would go healthy on the dessert front this evening, so I had some fruit (see photo to the right).  Two pears and a banana!

For today’s exercise regimen I had a 15 minute game of soccer with the kids in the front yard.

So, not a bad day of eating!  Nothing that I can see to complain about, can you?  Let’s see what the scale has to say about it tomorrow morning.

Author: MainAdmin

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