2022-11-09b - Small Potatoes

Day #0097 (Wed., Nov. 9, 2022) – Total Down: 10.3 lbs.!

2022-11-09 - Weigh In339.5 lbs. is what the scale said to me this morning (see photo to the left). So, I’m down lightly 0.2 lbs. since yesterday, and am down 10.3 lbs. overall.

2022-11-09a - BreakfastPotatoes, potatoes, potatoes…  That’s the them of today!  I started off with some “Breakfast Fries” (see photo to the right).  The air fryer made them extra crispy and I had plenty of ketchup as you can tell.

2022-11-09b - Small Potatoes“Small Potatoes”  were my mid-morning snack today (see photo to the left).  A little spray of butter on top and plenty of pepper.  I’m not sure what the thing is with me and butter!

2022-11-09c - Zero ColaThe drink of choice today was some “Zero Cola” (see photo to the right).  I’m not totally sure why all these “zero” colas are appearing these days.  What’s up with that?  I suspect it is a different kind of sugar alternative…

2022-11-09d - Mashed PotatoesFor my mid-afternoon snack today I had some “Mashed Potatoes” (see photo to the left).  I got these instant ones from Harris-Teeter and there is nothing in them, which is great.  A lot of these mashed potato packages have some sort of oil added.

2022-11-09e - FriesI had some fries for breakfast so I thought I would finish off the day with some “Evening Fries” (see photo to the right).  Pretty much the same as what I had for breakfast, but I did have some mustard this evening along with the ketchup.

I spent fifteen minutes kicking the soccer ball around this evening with the kids.  Quite a little workout if I do say so myself.

Author: MainAdmin

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