2022-11-09f - M&M's

Day #0096 (Tue., Nov. 8, 2022) – Total Down: 10.1 lbs.!

2022-11-08 - Weigh InA lot going on this morning, so I didn’t get to weigh myself till later this morning.  When I did, the scale said that I weighed 339.7 lbs. (see photo to the left).  So, I’m unfortunately up 0.7 lbs. since yesterday’s weigh in, but on the good size of the equation, I’m still down 10.1 lbs. overall.

2022-11-09a - SaladThe delicious salad shown in the photo to the right was the first thing that I downed this morning.  Grated cabbage, peppers, a bit of mayo, and lots of black pepper were on the agenda.  The meat of choice was a few slices of deli turkey.

2022-11-09b - SteakFor lunch today I had something that I haven’t been indulging in, especially in these inflationary times, “Steak” (see photo to the left).  I forgot how great a good steak can taste.  I had some tiny roasted potatoes to accompany it!

2022-11-09c - DessertI was a good boy when it came to dessert!  I had a banana, a pear, and a zero calorie cola.  You can see them all together in the photo to the right.  What’s not to like about this?

2022-11-09d - SaladI had quite a big evening meal this evening.  I started off with a grated cabbage and olive salad (see photo to the left).  Take a look at all that black pepper!  Love it!

2022-11-09e - PotatoesThe main event when it came to dinner this evening was lasagna (see photo to the right).  Not too much, as it can be high in calories, but it sure was tasty.  I had some tiny baked potatoes to accompany it.

2022-11-09f - M&M'sI shouldn’t have, but I got into the “M&M’s” for dessert this evening (see photo to the left).  These are a bit larger because they are the peanut ones.  Have you tried them?  You’re better off not to as they can be very addictive!

I took a break from the outside exercise this evening, but I did spend about 30 minutes organizing boxes and stuff in the living room.  Lifting and lugging boxes has to count for something, right?

Today was a “so so” day in regards to eating.  I could have definitely done without that lasagna and M&M’s, but what are you gonna do?

See you at the scale tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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