2022-10-31f - Reeses

Day #0088 (Mon., Oct. 31, 2022) – Total Down: 8.8 lbs.!

2022-10-31 - Weigh InThe scale beamed back 341.0 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that my weight is down 1.1 lbs. since yesterday, and I’m down 8.8 lbs. overall.

2022-10-31a - SandwichTake a look at that “Egg White Sandwich” in the photo to the right!  This is how I started off the day.  That brown thing sticking out from the sandwich is actually a lettuce leaf… 🙂

2022-10-31b - Another SandwichThat sandwich was so good I had to have another (see photo to the left).  You can see the juices oozing out of this one.  I prefer to put the slice of cheese right on top of the egg whites as it will then melt and spread the flavor around.

2022-10-31c - TomatoI haven’t been having tomatoes in my sandwiches, so I remedied that for lunch today as you can see in the photo to the right.

2022-10-31d - CerealLooking for something a bit different, I decided to have some cereal for lunch (see photo to the left). Franken  berry cereal to be more exact, a strawberry-type cereal that the kids love.

2022-10-31e - PizzaWe went over to a friend’s house for Halloween this evening, and they had pizza (see photo to the right).  I shouldn’t have had it, as fast food pizza is known to have lots of calories, but it is Halloween, right?

2022-10-31f - Reeses“Peanut Butter Cups” were on the agenda as a Halloween treat (see photo to the left).  The kids love these and I do as well.

2022-10-31g - FriesSadly when I got home I was hungry for something “else”, so I had some fries (see photo to the right).  Luckily these were made in the air fryer, but still not the healthiest option around the house.

I shudder to think what the scale will say tomorrow morning!

Let’s see how I sleep tonight… 🙂


Author: MainAdmin

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