2022-10-30f - Pumpkin Seeds

Day #0087 (Sun., Oct. 30, 2022) – Total Down: 7.7 lbs.!

2022-10-30 - Weigh In342.1 lbs.! That’s what the scale told me this morning (see photo to the left). A great reading showing that eating healthy yesterday pays off. I’m down 4.5 lbs. since yesterday and 7.7 lbs. overall.

2022-10-30a - SandwichI had an “Egg White Sandwich” for breakfast this morning (see photo to the right).  Deli turkey was the meat of choice.

2022-10-30b - Soup & BreadAdding to the breakfast I had some chicken & corn soup with a couple of slices of the low-cal bread I pick up at Aldi and some PB2 spread (see photo to the left).

2022-10-30c - WrapLunch today was another delicious wrap (see photo to the right).  Lots of salad greens and various types of hummus spread.  Once again, deli turkey was the meat of choice.

2022-10-30d - Mountain DewTo wash this wrap down I had another can of the “Mountain Dew” zero calorie soda (see photo to the left).  I’m pretty well out of this type of soda, but I’m not sure I will get any more.  I prefer a cola to be honest with you.

2022-10-30e - AppleMy dessert was on the good side of the spectrum, an apple (see photo to the right).  Fruit is sweet enough I find, and the bulk helps fill you up much more than say a chocolate bar or cake or cookie.

2022-10-30f - Pumpkin SeedsThis afternoon I had a different type of snack, “Roasted Pumpkin Seeds” (see photo to the left).  My wife made them for the kids and picked up some special spices at the grocery store that add that special kick.  They were quite good.  Actually on the sweet side for some reason, even though sugar was not one of the ingredients.

2022-10-30g - ChickenMy wife also made some “Drumsticks” this evening, so I had some of those as well (see photo to the right).  She marinates them overnight so they are especially tasty.

2022-10-30h - Wrap #3Still hungry, enter “Wrap #2” (see photo to the left).  Can you see the tomato?  I haven’t been having tomatoes in my wraps but really enjoyed it in this particular version.

2022-10-30i - BlueberriesLast up on the eating plan for today was some “Blueberries” (see photo to the right).  I’m going to have to add more fruit to my diet.  These blueberries in particular were quite tasty.  Perhaps some pineapple?  Not too much though…  Fruit is not a very low-cal food.

So eating today was not too bad.  Still no exercise, so I’m going to have to remedy that, but nothing too bad on the “bad food” spectrum.  In fact, an apple and some blueberries for dessert?  Let’s put today into the win column!

Tomorrow is another day.  See you at the scale!

Author: MainAdmin

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