With all that fast food yesterday you didn’t think that this morning was going to be a good day on the scale did you?
True to form, the scale said that I weighed 346.6 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). Up yet again since yesterday by 2.7 lbs., and down by only 3.2 lbs. since the diet began! Oh my! Time to get this weight back under control!
So, I’m going to eat much better today! The “Chicken Broth” shown in the photo to the right is a good start. I read that broth tends to keep you full, and since it is so low-cal, it’s worth a try.
Take a look at the photo of the “Chicken Broth” in the mug! (see photo to the left). Doesn’t look like much, but it was rather refreshing, probably because I have been eating so horribly for the past few days.
After drinking broth for my breakfast and lunch meals I decided that I would have something more substantial, but yet still healthy, for my evening meal. You can see “Wrap #1” in the photo to the right. That’s it for the last of the roast beef!
I thought I would have some “Chicken Soup” as a worthy addition to my wrap. I added some corn to it for extra bulk and flavor (see photo to the left). This was just regular packaged Lipton soup, but it tasted good. I’ll have to get some more and have it on hand for occasions like this when I have a hankering for it.
Still hungry… Enter “Wrap #2” (see photo to the right). Those jalapeno peppers kick the flavor up a notch, and certainly the “heat” as well! With the roast beef gone I had turkey on this particular wrap.
So, I thought that since I ate so well today I could afford to have at least one little treat, right? Enter the chocolate marshmallow cookie that I picked up at Aldi the other day (see photo to the left).
All in all, today was a pretty good day in terms of eating. Still no exercise, but there is always tomorrow. I’m sure I will see a more “positive” number on the scale… 🙂