2022-10-28 - Weigh In

Day #0085 (Fri., Oct. 28, 2022) – Total Down: 5.9 lbs.!

2022-10-28 - Weigh InSo today on the scale I got the reading of 343.9 lbs. This means that I’m up a whopping 3.1 lbs. since yesterday, but I am still down 5.9 lbs. overall.

2022-10-28a - Wendy'sYou would think that with such a horrible reading on the scale I would eat better today, right? Well, sadly, think again. I started off the day’s eating with a trip to Wendy’s where I had their maple croissant combo meal (see photo to the right).  Delish, but you could feel the calories go down with every single bite!

2022-10-28b - Chick-Fil-AFor lunch today I ate a bit healthier, but it was still fast food.  I picked up a Cobb Salad at Chick-Fil-A (see photo to the left).  The salad in itself is not that bad, but it’s the avocado lime dressing that is really high in calories!

2022-10-28d - Mountain DewTo wash this salad down I was a bit on the good side, I had a zero calorie “Mountain Dew” beverage (see photo to the right).  It’s zero calories, so that’s good, but I’m not sure if anything sweet like this is good for you.  They say that it can lead to eating more sweet stuff, which is bad!

2022-10-28e - CookiesOk, so some cookies were my dessert this evening.  I picked up some of these marshmallow chocolate creations at Aldi the other day (see photo to the left).  Delish to be sure, but oh those calories!  Why can’t something this delicious be a negative calorie food?

When my weight goes up like this I start to think about other potential diets.  How about the “pofvbed” diet, where I eat only (potatoes, oats, fish, veggies, berries, eggs, deli slices).  Will something like that work?

Not the best day today eating-wise.  I feel that the scale is going to “wallop” me tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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