22023-03-16 - Whipped Cream

Day #0075 (Thu., Mar. 16, 2023) – Add Whipped Cream!

22023-03-16 - Whipped CreamThis morning the scale beamed back 341.7 lbs. So I’m actually up 0.9 lbs. since yesterday, but still down 5.9 lbs. overall.

I thought that I would have a special treat for breakfast this morning. Some pancakes with a bit of maple syrup and whipped cream on top (see photo to the right).

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • “Big Breakfast” with potatoes and shredded cheese, sweet potato, pancakes, syrup, whipped cream, and an egg (see photo to the right).
  • Diet cola.
  • Salad with lite mayo, ketchup, and relish.
  • Low-carb wrap with turkey, lettuce and cabbage.
  • Potatoes with cheese.
  • Diet cola.
  • Coffee with oat milk.

Allergies are still affecting me so I don’t feel like working out much these days.

That’s it for today.  I seem to be yo-yo dieting, back and forth and back and forth.  I need to get into a consistent downtrend somehow.

Author: MainAdmin

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