2023-03-14 - Simple Salad

Day #0073 (Tue., Mar. 14, 2023) – Simple Salad!

2023-03-14 - Simple SaladGood news greeted me on the scale this morning, my weight was 341.9 lbs. so I’m still down. I lost 0.2 lbs. since yesterday and am down 5.7 lbs. overall.

The photo to the right shows a very simple salad that I made today.  Basically just lettuce and cabbage and lite mayo with a bit of shredded cheese, but it was tasty nonetheless.  I sure do love having a head of lettuce and cabbage around the house.  I find that it’s easy to cut and the good thing is that they don’t get soggy.  If you have lettuce and such in a bag sometimes they perspire and accumulate water and get “soggy”.  Yuck!

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • “Big Breakfast” with potatoes, egg whites, and toast and jam.
  • Diet cola.
  • Egg white and cheese sandwich.
  • Diet cola.
  • Tomato soup.
  • Elvis Presley sandwich (my version).
  • Coffee with oat milk.

See you at the scale tomorrow morning.

Author: MainAdmin

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