2022-10-16c - Blueberries

Day #0073 (Sun., Oct. 16, 2022) – Total Down: 8.8 lbs.!

2022-10-16 - Weigh InThis morning the scale beamed back at me the depressing number of 341.0 lbs. (see photo to the left). 2022-10-16a - Soup & SandwichThis was certainly to be expected given the “free day” I had yesterday! So, I’m up 5.2 lbs. from yesterday, but on a more positive note, I’m still down 8.8 lbs. overall.

So I decided that I would eat HEALTHY TODAY!  2022-10-16b - Two BananasI need to get that weight down!  I started off with a great combo, my “Soup & Egg Sandwich” (see photo to the right).  I’m amazed at how filling and delicious that soup is!  I actually had two of these combos to start off the day!

For dessert I’m going to try and stay away from the ice cream and sweets.  I thought that “Two Bananas” would be a great dessert (see photo to the left).  These Aldi bananas are becoming ripe so I need to eat them up!

2022-10-16c - BlueberriesFor that extra bit of sweetness I had some “Blueberries” (see photo to the right).  Tasty, and a bit “crunchy” as well…  You know how much I love my crunch! I really need to eat more fruit. When I have my “sweetness” in this way I tend to stay away from the more processed forms of sweetness like cookies, cakes, and ice cream.

2022-10-16d - More SoupMy “Two Combos” earlier today really filled me up.  So much so in fact that I didn’t eat until dinner time.  The meal of choice?  “Vegetable Soup” of course (see photo to the left).

2022-10-16e - Egg SandwichTo help add a bit more “heartiness” to my already hearty soup I had another “Egg White Sandwich” (see photo to the right).  Notice that the bread is a bit different than what I had yesterday?  That’s because I decided to get into the low-cal Keto bread that I picked up at Aldi.  I really like this stuff.  It’s more dense than the Sara Lee brand that I pick up at Harris-Teeter.

2022-10-16f - Two BananasFor my final food item of the day I had “Two More Bananas” (see photo to the left).  I seem to have timed these bananas just right.  Not green, and not too ripe.  Delish!

So I did pretty good today eating wise don’t you think?  No ice cream, no sweets!  Pretty well soup, egg white sandwiches, and fruit.  Surely the scale will reward me handsomely for this tomorrow don’t you think?

On a more personal note I’m still suffering from what I think is COVID “Brain Fog”.  I was doing some research online and they said that intermittent fasting might help.  I’m not ready to do this right now, but I wanted to mention what might be coming…

So that’s it for today.  Today was the opposite of a “Free Day”.  In fact, I ate quite well.  See you at the scale bright and early tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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