2022-10-15h - Fries & Nuggets

Day #0072 (Sat., Oct. 15, 2022) – Total Down: 15.0 lbs.!

2022-10-15 - Weigh InI was up early this morning, weighed myself, and then started eating! The scale said that I was 334.8 lbs. today, which means I’ve gained 1.1 lbs. since yesterday, but I am still down 15.0 lbs. overall.

2022-10-15a - Turkey Bacon & FriesFor my first round of eating this morning I made a big pot of “Turkey Bacon & Fries” in the air fryer (see photo to the right).  I kind of “overdid” the turkey bacon, but it was extra crispy, which was kinda nice.

2022-10-15b - Diet CokeI washed this dish of turkey bacon & fries with a “Diet Coke” (see photo to the left).  Well, a “Coke-Like” knockoff, called “Summit”…  I get this at Aldi.  Tastes the same to me and I like the price…

2022-10-15c - Chips & Cinnamon BunFor my crunch and sweetness I had a “Doritos & Cinnamon Bun” combo (see photo to the right).  Once I had the cinnamon bun I knew that this was going to be a day in which I didn’t stick to a diet…  These cinnamon buns are sure tasty… 🙂  If you have to go off a diet, this is what to “go off” on… 🙂

We had a movie day today, so went to Chick-Fil-A to get food for the family.  2022-10-15d - Cobb SaladI had a “Cobb Salad With Avocado Lime Dressing” (see photo to the left).  The salad in itself is not too bad, but oooh that dressing….  Tasting but dangerously high in calories.

2022-10-15e - CookieFor dessert I had a “Snickerdoodle Cookie” (see photo to the right).  I know, this photo shows two cookies, but I only had one.  I picked them up the other day when I was at Aldi as my son really loves them.

2022-10-15f - GrapesI have to have something healthy today, right?  Well, today’s choice was “Green Grapes” (see photo to the left).  I’ve gotten into the habit of washing all my fruit before I eat it, which I think is a really good idea.

2022-10-15g - DrumstickTime for a sweet dessert this afternoon.  I saw this “Ice Cream Drumstick” sitting there in the freezer calling out my name.  I had to oblige… 🙂  You can see this tasty treat in the photo to the right).

2022-10-15h - Fries & NuggetsFor dinner this evening I decided to have a big dish of “Fries & Nuggets” in the air fryer (see photo to the left).  We had some leftover sauces from our Chick-Fil-A run this afternoon, so I had them as an accompaniment.  Chick-Fil-A sauce and Polynesian sauce.  Sure delish!  I would dunk and dunk these nuggets into these tasty sauces.  I great way to finish off the day in terms of taste, but certainly not in terms of dieting.

Let’s see what the scale says tomorrow.  I’m not looking for something good.  I’m sure my weight will be up, but by how much?  I think I might have to just go back on that “Vegetable Soup” phase like I did the other day…  I sure worked then, so it should work moving forward, right?

See you tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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