2023-03-12 - One Great Salad

Day #0071 (Sun., Mar. 12, 2023) – One Great Salad!

2023-03-12 - One Great SaladThis morning I weighed in at 242.8 lbs. This is despite having McDonalds and a birthday cake! So, I’m actually down 1.7 lbs. since yesterday, and down 4.8 lbs. overall.

I had one great salad today (see photo to the right).  Those little flakes you see on it are flaxseeds and psyllium husks.  I love the combination of cabbage and lettuce in my salad.  Peppers added in for good measure.

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Potatoes with Shredded Chicken & Cheese Sprinkles.
  • Diet Cola.
  • Great Salad (see photo to the right).
  • Potatoes with Shredded Chicken & Cheese Sprinkles.
  • Handful of Pecans.
  • Diet Cola.
  • Coffee With Oat Milk.

No exercise again today, but other than the bit of chicken and cheese sprinkles, I ate pretty good.  Let’s see if the scale will reward me for this tomorrow.




Author: MainAdmin

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