2023-03-09 - Add Peppers

Day #0068 (Thu., Mar. 9, 2023) – Add Peppers!

2023-03-09 - Add PeppersThis morning the scale said that I weighed 340.8 lbs. So, I’m up 2 lbs. since yesterday, and down 6.8 lbs. overall.

I had another “Big Breakfast” this morning.  I sure do love to start my day off with one of these…  For this mornings “version” I added some peppers.  You can see them picking out from behind the other “stuff” in the photo to the right.  Oh, I also had some mustard with the ketchup on the potatoes as well.

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • “Big Breakfast” with peppers (see photo to the right).
  • Diet Cola.
  • Salad With Green Goddess Dressing.
  • Turkey Sandwich With Cheese (3 of them).
  • Oreo Ice Cream Bar.
  • Coffee With Sugar-Free Creamer.

My weight is up again today…  Looks like I’m going to have to start adding exercise into the mix afterall!



Author: MainAdmin

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