2023-03-08 - Add Bacon

Day #0067 (Wed., Mar. 8, 2023) – Add Bacon!

2023-03-08 - Add BaconI weighed in this morning at 339.8 lbs. So I’m down another 0.2 lbs. since yesterday, and 8.8 lbs. overall.

I thought that I would add some bacon to my “Big Breakfast” this morning (see photo to the right).  Turkey bacon actually.  You can see the stand by items as well, such as “air fried” potatoes, egg whites, Aldi bread, and celery with PB2.

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • The “Big Breakfast” with turkey bacon shown in the photo to the right.
  • Diet Dr. Pepper.
  • Turkey and cheese sandwich.
  • Diet Cola.
  • I finished off the turkey bacon shown in the photo to the right.
  • Vegetable Stew.
  • Veggie Wrap.
  • Coffee with sugar-free creamer.

So, I didn’t get in any exercise today, but as long as I’m still losing weight, I’m not too concerned.  Once I start stop losing weight, then I will reconsider.



Author: MainAdmin

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