2023-03-07 - Turkey Sandwich

Day #0066 (Tue., Mar. 7, 2023) – Turkey Sandwich!

2023-03-07 - Turkey SandwichThis morning the scale said I weighed 339.0 lbs. So, I’m down another 2.9 lbs. since yesterday. I’m also down 8.6 lbs. overall!

I thought I would show you a side view of the delicious turkey sandwiches that I have been making (see photo to the right).  How many ingredients can you see?  I see a slice of turkey, some lettuce, tomatoes, and a slice of cheese.  Oh, don’t forget the two slices of bread and the lite mayo spread!  Delish!

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Turkey & Cheese Sandwich (see photo to the right).
  • Salad With Green Goddess Dressing.
  • Diet Dr. Pepper.
  • Vegetable Stew.
  • Diet Cola.
  • Vegetable Stew.
  • Turkey & Cheese Sandwich (see photo to the right).
  • Banana.
  • Apple.
  • Coffee with sugar-free sweetener.

So much for today!  See you tomorrow!  Will I be exercising?  Tune in and find out… 😉



Author: MainAdmin

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