2023-03-06 - Celery & PB2

Day #0065 (Mon., Mar. 6, 2023) – Celery & PB2

2023-03-06 - Celery & PB2This morning the scale told me that I weighed 341.9 lbs. So, I’m down 0.6 lbs. since yesterday, and 5.7 lbs. overall.

I made some more vegetable stew this morning. While it was “cooking away” I made a “Big Breakfast”, which included celery and PB2 (see photo to the right).

The pollen is back…  I was quite exhausted this evening…

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Big Breakfast with celery and PB2 (see photo to the right).
  • Diet Dr. Pepper.
  • Vegetable Stew with 2 slices of bread, PB2, and jam.
  • Diet Dr. Pepper.
  • Vegetable Stew with tilapia, 2 slices of bread, PB2, and jam.
  • Three pears.

So, not a bad day of eating.  Sorry folk, so exercise today!

Let’s see what the scale says tomorrow morning!


Author: MainAdmin

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