2023-02-27 - Sandwich

Day #0058 (Mon., Feb. 27, 2023) – Sandwiches!

2023-02-27 - SandwichI was so busy this morning that I didn’t get to either eat of weigh myself till this afternoon. Considering how badly I ate yesterday that was probably great for my stats. When I did weigh in, the scale said: 339.7 lbs. This means I’m actually the same weight as yesterday, and am still 7.9 lbs. overall.

Like I mentioned, I didn’t eat till this afternoon, and by the time I did eat, I was starved! Luckily I did eat healthy. I started off with two delicious and still low calories sandwiches (see photo to the right). Two slices of Keto bread, two thin slices of turkey, a slice of Kraft cheese, some lettuce, and lite mayo.

Here’s a roundup of all that I had to eat today:

  • Two turkey sandwiches (see photo to the right).
  • Dr. Pepper soft drink.
  • Two hot dogs.
  • Froot loops with milk.
  • Two bananas.
  • Coffee with sugar-free creamer.

I didn’t make it in terms of a workout session today, but there is always tomorrow.

Author: MainAdmin

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