I weighed in at 335.0 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that I have lost 0.9 lbs. since yesterday, and am down a total of 14.8 lbs. overall.
Take a look at the “Egg White Sandwich” in the photo to the right. Doesn’t that look delish? It was!
For lunch today I had a HUGE, and yet wonderful, and yet equally delicious, salad (see photo to the left). On some tiny baked potatoes and salad greens I added a yellow pepper, some pickles, and some tomatoes.
No meat in this dish, but I did make a dressing out of lite mayo, ketchup, and relish.
I just can’t seem to stay away from potato chips, as you can see in the photo to the right. Just one handful though… Alright, a BIG handful… I should have used a container or measuring cup, but didn’t have one handy…
For dessert I turned to a peanut covered chocolate ice cream bar (see photo to the left). You’ve seen them before. I get a box of a dozen of them at Aldi. Convenient as you just rip off the wrapper and dive in! Delicious and cheap as well!
This evening I went off the beaten path a bit by having some fish & chips (see photo to the right). Our air fryer has given up the ghost so my wife baked these fish and fries in the oven. Still delish! Add a bit of ketchup and you are good to go. There are hidden calories in store bought processed food items like this, so you have to be careful.
Still hungry, I decided to have some of the 45 calorie bread that I picked up this afternoon. I mixed up a nice dish of PB2 powder to top it. I was only going to have a couple of slices, but this turned out to be six! Six slices of bread with peanut butter on top! Delish! The good thing is that at only 45 calories per slice, you can afford to eat quite a bit.
I also picked up some chips while out to the grocery store this afternoon. I decided that a bag of “Cheetos” (see photo to the right) would satisfy my desire for something to crunch on. The only thing I don’t like about them is that you have “orange fingers” when you are done… 🙂 I see that we don’t have any more honey nuts. I think my wife might have gotten into them last night.
Did you ever try a “Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Bar” (see photo to the left) before? If not, you need to try one! They are really good. You can taste the artificial flavor a bit, but they are delish none-the-less. They are the favorite ice cream bar of my daughter. These Mayfield ones are also on sale at our local grocery store quite often for some reason.
I thought that I would finish off today’s eating with something healthy. Like a banana (see photo to the right). I picked up two bunches of them today at the store as sometimes my boy goes on a banana binge… 🙂
Ok. Finishing up this post. Ready to call it a night. I’m drinking another mug of coffee this evening and realizing that I have gotten away from tea. I had a cup or two a few days ago, but need to get back to it. I think the reason is that the tea I have is loose and you need to put it into a bag and all that jazz and you only have a cup to show for it. It’s so much easier to put some grounds of coffee into the coffee machine and you have a nice big jug to show for it. Lazy, right?
That’s it for today. See you at the scale tomorrow morning!