Today the scale beamed back at me 334.8 lbs. (see photo to the left), which is down 0.2 lbs. since yesterday,
meaning I have lost a total of 15.0 lbs. so far. Good deal!
I felt like one of my “Big Breakfasts” this morning, so I did (see photo to the right). I say BIG, but it’s really just an Egg White Sandwich with a couple of pieces of toast and jam. The BIG makes me feel like I’m getting more, which is definitely good for a diet! 🙂
I washed my breakfast down with a “Summit Diet Cola” (see photo to the left), which I picked up at Aldi the other day. I’m not much of a cola expert, so this tastes just as good as Diet Coke to me.
I had a mid morning “snack” today. I started off with a mug of coffee with a touch of the “Sugar Free French Vanilla Creamer” (see photo to the right). Like I said before, adding a creamer like this makes you feel like you are indulging, but you are still in the low-calorie zone…
For the snack itself, I had a bag of Lay’s Barbecue Chips (see photo to the left). They were out of the no-name brand at Aldi, so these were the next in line for purchase…
Next up on the snack agenda was a “Chocolate Ice Cream Bar” (see photo to the right). I really love this brand as the crunchy little bits on the outside add to the flavor…
Ok, add the “Fun Dip” (see photo to the left). This was meant for the kids, but they have already had a bunch of the stuff, so dear old dad can certainly have one as well, right? One thing about this sort of snack is that it’s low-fat, and therefore low in calories… Good deal!
For dinner this evening “Fish & Chips” hit the spot. I think I mentioned yesterday that our air fryer has died, so while we wait for our next one to come, we backed this in the oven. I was so hungry that I ate a lot of it before I remembered to take a picture (see photo to the right).
Looking for something to crunch on, I turned to a good reliable stand-by, some “Cheetos” (see photo to the left). Notice that it even says “Crunchy” on the label? Delish! Watch out for those orange fingers though…
Still hungry, I had a couple of Burritos (see photo to the right). I heated up a can of chili in the microwave and added a bit of it to a low-fat tortilla. I then added a lot of salad greens, wrapped it up, and down it went. It was so delish in fact that I had two of them. One thing I did forget is to add some hot sauce or salsa. That would have made it even better.
Moving on to one of my favorite subjects on the planet, dessert! I had a “Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Bar” this evening (see photo to the left). Pretty well the same as the chocolate version I had earlier in the day, but the strawberry version. Equally delish! These are often on sale 2 for 1 at our local Harris-Teeter, so they tend to be a common item in my grocery cart when I swing by that store. Shout out to Harris-Teeter, even though Aldi is my favorite… 🙂
Time for something healthy! Ok, so I did have some salad greens, so let’s talk about healthy in the fruit arena. I had a couple of bananas and an apple (see photo to the right).
Where oh where has my exercise gone, oh where oh where can it be… That’s kind of my song when it comes to exercise these days. I’ve got to get back into it… Maybe tomorrow!
That’s it for today! Finishing up this blog and downing yet another coffee. Tomorrow is another day. Not sure if I will make a dollar, but I sure hope that the weight will be down.
See you tomorrow at the scale!