2022-09-27 - Salad

Day #0054 (Tue., Sep. 27, 2022) – Total Down: 12.8 lbs.!

2022-09-27 - Weigh InToday I weighed in at 337.0 lbs. (see photo to the left). This means that I have lost 0.9 lbs. since yesterday’s weigh in, and 12.8 lbs. overall since I started this diet plan.

2022-09-27 - Egg SandwichI started coughing this morning.  Is this a sign of COVID?  The only other symptom I have is that I’m tired…  At any rate, I turned to a comfort food at this time of stress, my old reliable “Egg White Sandwich” (see photo to the right).  In this photo I actually show you the “inners” before I put one slice of bread on top of the other.

2022-09-27 - Aldi DrinkTo wash this “Egg White Sandwich” down I had a carbonated beverage that I picked up at Aldi (set photo to the left).  The can says “Black Cherry”, but it’s really not too overpowering in the flavor department, especially when you compare it with something like a diet coke.

2022-09-27 - SaladFor lunch I had a salad (see photo to the right).  Potatoes with lite mayo underneath.  Some yellow pepper, greens, a whole tomato, and a slice of bacon.  Good for you and delish too!

2022-09-27 - Cheese SandwichI thought I would add a sandwich to the mix for my noon meal (see photo to the left).  Nothing too fancy, just a slice of cheese between two slices of low-cal bread.  A great addition to the salad!

2022-09-27 - Animal CrackersOn the side of my salad you can see these little critters for my dessert, animal crackers (see photo to the right).  Not too many of them, just a “little something” of sweetness.

2022-09-27 - Arctic BarIce Cream Time!  An Arctic Bar sure hit the spot (see photo to the left).  I’m not sure why these photos of ice cream or “whatever” in the air don’t come out very good.  I think that the camera is having a hard time focusing on them.

2022-09-27 - SpaghettiI started off with spaghetti for my main meal this evening (see photo to the right).  My wife made some for the kids, so I had some as well.  I don’t think that this is really a low-cal food, but a bit shouldn’t hurt my diet?  Or will it…

2022-09-27 - BreadI just love to have bread with spaghetti.  It’s great to be able to find a low-cal option like the 45 cal per slice option I mentioned the other day, and you can see in the photo to the left.

2022-09 - Potatoes & TunaStill hungry, I finished off the tiny baked potatoes that I made the other day.  I added a can of tuna as well (see photo to the right).  If you are going to get canned tuna don’t get this type, chunky.  It tends to look like cat food.  Get “Solid Tuna” in the can and you won’t go wrong.

2022-09-27 - NutsNuts are great in moderation.  In the photo to the left you can see that I measured them out into a nice little dish.  Safer to not overeat in this way.

2022-09-27 - Donut Ice CreamFor my final food item of the day I finished off the last vanilla “Donut Shaped Ice Cream Bar” that I picked up at Aldi.  It’s delicious, but I don’t think I will get them again.  It’s more of a novelty to have it shaped like a donut, but there are cheaper options out there.

I’ve really got to get back into the exercise routine.  I seem to be gradually losing weight, so I’m not too worried about it right now.  I’m only down by 10 lbs., but as I lose more and more over the days and weeks ahead I’m going to have to include some ab work in order to ensure that I don’t have sagging skin around my mid-section.

You know, I really like the sugar-free French Vanilla creamer that I picked up at Aldi the other day.  I’m having some in my coffee this evening.  It gives that sense of “richness” that really adds to a nice cup of coffee.

So that’s it for today folks.  See you at the scale tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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