2022-09-26 - Soup

Day #0053 (Mon., Sep. 26, 2022) – Total Down: 11.9 lbs.!

2022-09-26 - Weigh InToday I weighed in at 337.9 lbs. (see photo to the left). This means that I have lost 0.9 lbs. since yesterday’s weigh in, and 11.9 lbs. overall since I started this diet plan.

2022-09-26 - Egg SandwichI started off today’s eating regimen with my “tried and true” Egg White Sandwich (see photo to the right).  Egg whites, a slice of cheese, some hummus and greens, with a slice of bacon, on two slices of low-cal wheat bread.  Delish!  I had two of them!

2022-09-26 - DoritosIt’s down to “Crunch Time”…  Literally!  I had a bag of “Cool Ranch Doritos” (see photo to the left).  I actually prefer to have chips in a tiny bag like this.  It helps with portion control.  If I had a big bag in front of me I might not be able to stop eating them… 🙂

2022-09-26 - Arctic BarTo satisfy my sweet tooth I had an ice cream bar (see photo to the right).  I thought I would show it inside the wrapper today.  Not much of a wrapper.  Non-descript I guess you would call it.

2022-09-26 - SoupSo my daughter has COVID, and I think I’m getting it…  Not the best of news to relay to you.  On the positive side, if there is one, my appetite seems to have gone…  I did have some nourishment this evening in the form of tomato soup with some cut up small baked potatoes (see photo to the left).

2022-09-26 - BreadI also had two slices of the low-cal bread that I have been mentioning.  You can see it in the photo to the right.  It’s called “Delightful Wheat”, and is only 45 calories per slice.  You really wouldn’t know this bread from the “regular” kind.

2022-09-26 - Doritos2Now it’s “Crunch Time Round #2”.  Doritos again (see photo to the left).  This time the “Nacho Cheese” flavor.  There doesn’t seem to be as many chips in these bags as there used to be…  Were there more years ago?  Is this due to the supply chain issues caused by COVID.

2022-09-26 - Ice Cream & ChocolateFor my last food items of the day I thought that I would go out with a bang.  I had one of the “Chocolate Donut Shaped Ice Creams” and a tiny chocolate bar (see photo to the right).

It’s nighttime now and I’m finishing off this blog entry.  I’m also downing a large mug of coffee with some of the sugar-free French vanilla creamer I picked up at Aldi the other day.  Pretty delish!

I’m sure that it’s sounding like a long playing record, but I didn’t exercise today either.  This COVID-thing or whatever it is makes me tried, so I don’t really have the energy, if this counts as an excuse…

That’s it for today folks.  See you tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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