2022-09-21 - Ice Cream Bar

Day #0048 (Wed., Sep. 21, 2022) – Total Down: 11.2 lbs.!

2022-09-21 - Weigh InThis morning my weight is up a bit. I weighed in at 338.6 lbs. (see photo to the left), which means I’ve gained 1.3 lbs. since yesterday morning. On the good side I’m still down 11.2 lbs. overall.

2022-09-21 - Breakfast SandwichFor breakfast today I said hello to an old friend, my “Egg White Breakfast Sandwich” (see photo to the right).  I just love this thing.  As a special ingredient this morning I had a couple of pieces of bacon inside!  I also thought I would add a tomato and some greens for a bit of “health”… 🙂  So delicious!

2022-09-21 - SaladLunch time!  No better way than to start with a salad!  In the photo to the left you can see today’s salad, which included some tiny baked potatoes, cut up, with a touch of lite mayo.  Add some greens, cut up green peppers, and pickles and you are good to go.

2022-09-21 - Egg SandwichBreakfast was so delicious this morning that I decided to do the exact same thing for lunch (see photo to the right).  In this particular I took a closeup so that you can clearly see the cheese oozing over the sandwich.  2022-09-21 - Potato ChipsMy mouth is watering just looking at this photo… 🙂

It’s “CRUNCH TIME”!  Not a deadline, but time for some crunch!  Potato chips fit the bill, so today’s version of choice were “Sour Cream & Onion” (see photo to the left).

2022-09-21 - CobblerThe cherry cobbler I made the other day is sitting in the fridge, so I decided to ahve a BIG piece this evening (see photo to the right).  A dollop of whipped cream on top and you are good to go.

2022-09-21 - Ice Cream BarThe final food item that I had today is a “FatBoy Ice Cream Bar” (see photo to the left).  I held the camera real close so that you could see the deliciousness of the creamy ice cream center.  So good!

I’m still not finding the time to get my daily workout in.  The fact that my weight is still going down without it says a lot, right?  I do need to get at this though as I don’t want to have saggy stomach skin at the end of this whole process.

That’s it for today folks!  I ate pretty good!  No cookies or anything.  Let’s see if the scale rewards me for my good behavior when I get up on it tomorrow morning!  Night!

Author: MainAdmin

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