2022-09-20 - Burger & Fries

Day #0047 (Tue., Sep. 20, 2022) – Total Down: 12.5 lbs.!

2022-09-20 - Weigh InI got up late today, but when I did weigh myself the scale (see photo to the left) told me that I weighed in at 337.3 lbs. 2022-09-20 - Egg SandwichThis means I’m at exactly the weight I was at yesterday, and down 12.5 lbs. overall.

I skipped breakfast this morning, but when I did eat, I had a delicious egg sandwich (see photo to the right).  Egg whites of course, with a slice of cheese, on a couple of toasted low-cal Aldi bread slices.  The “secret ingredient” today was a couple of slices of bacon.  2022-09-20 - TeaWhen you microwave the cheese slice on top of the egg and bacon you get one “gooey” mess, perfect to slap between two slices of bread!

I thought I would wash my egg sandwich down with a “spot of tea”.  I had some herbs with only a little bit of regular tea inside the bag, so it’s not very dark, as you can tell from the photo to the left.

2022-09-20 - Burger & FriesI had an early dinner today, and was it a doosey!  Move over McDonalds, I’m cooking tonight!  I had a delicious cheeseburger that I made in the air fryer and some of these great little fries that I picked up at Aldi (see photo to the right).  These are the “quick cook” version, and with a 6 minute session in the air fryer they came out soooo similar to the McDonald’s version.  The kids loved them.  Me too!

2022-09-20 - Cookie & Ice CreamLet’s move on to dessert shall we?  I could not resist the cookies that I picked up at Aldi the other day for the kids (see photo to the left).  I also had an ice cream bar!

Still hungry later this evening I thought that soup would fit the bill, and it did!  Tonight’s version was tomato soup, and I cut up some of the little baked potatoes that I made the other day and added those to the mix as well (see photo to the right).  2022-09-20 - Soup & BreadI also had another couple of slices of the Aldi Keto bread.  I should talk a bit about this bread now.  I’ve had Keto bread before and it was horrible.  This Aldi version is not bad…in fact I would go so far as to say it’s quite good.  The only downside would be the price.  Pretty high for a small loaf, but some of this might be due to supply chain issues.

2022-09-20 - FatBoy Ice CreamFor my last meal of the day I had a “double header”, a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and a FatBoy ice cream bar (see photo to the left).  Delicious.  I must say that I did feel guilty having the Reese’s … given the fact that I had a cookie earlier in the day.  Let’s see if the scale tells me tomorrow morning that I had good reason for feeling guilty.  It’s a painfully honest little device that doesn’t lie!

Author: MainAdmin

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