2023-02-17 - Big Breakfast With Potatoes

Day #0048 (Fri., Feb. 17, 2023) – Big Breakfast Challenge!

2023-02-17 - Big Breakfast With PotatoesToday I weighed in at 332.8 lbs. So I’m actually up 1.5 lbs. since yesterday, but I’m still down 14.8 lbs. overall.

I enjoyed the “Big Breakfast” that I had yesterday so much that I thought I might try a challenge with it. Take a look at the “Big Breakfast With Potatoes” that I had this morning in the photo to the right. What would happen if I only ate this meal for seven days? Would I still loose weight? There are not many calories when you think about it. The Keto bread is only 35 calories each, and the egg whites are very low as well. Celery? Practically nothing. Only the PB2 and potatoes add up to much, but still not a lot. Let’s try this!

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Big Breakfast with Potatoes (see photo to the right).
  • Diet cola
  • Big Breakfast with Potatoes (see photo to the right).
  • Diet cola
  • Coffee with oat milk.

That’s it for today folks.  Today has been Day #1 of the challenge…  #2 is up tomorrow!


Author: MainAdmin

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