2023-02-18 - BB + Vegetable Stew

Day #0049 (Sat., Feb. 18, 2023) – BB + Vegetable Stew!

2023-02-18 - BB + Vegetable StewI’m proud to report that the scale beamed back 330.2 lbs. this morning, despite eating “Big Breakfasts” all day yesterday! This means I’m down 2.6 lbs. since yesterday, and down 17.4 lbs. overall.

I had some vegetable stew in the fridge, so I thought I would finish it up today.  You can see the whole Big Breakfast with vegetable stew and a diet cola in the photo to the right.  It sure was a great way to kick off the day.

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • “Big Breakfast” with vegetable stew (see photo to the right).
  • Diet cola.
  • “Big Breakfast” with vegetable stew (see photo to the right).
  • Diet cola.
  • Egg white sandwiches (2 of them).
  • Dish of Moose Tracks ice cream.
  • Chocolate fudge cookie.
  • Coffee with oat milk.

I did pretty good today, until the evening…  I have to learn some way in which to “derail” my sweet tooth cravings in the evening!

Hopefully this won’t derail me at the scales tomorrow morning…  See you then…


Author: MainAdmin

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