2023-02-16 - Big Breakfast

Day #0047 (Thu., Feb. 16, 2023) – Big Breakfast!

2023-02-16 - Big BreakfastThis morning I weighed in at: 331.3 lbs., which means I’m up 2.2 lbs. since yesterday, but still down 16.3 lbs. since the diet began.

The photo to the right shows the breakfast that I had yesterday and today. In fact, mid-day as well!  Egg whites with a bit of cheese on top.  Two slices of Keto bread from Aldi (only 35 calories each), some PB2 and sugar-free raspberry jam.  Delish!

Here’s what I had today:

  • The Big Breakfast (see photo to the right).
  • Diet cola.
  • The Big Breakfast (see photo to the right).
  • Diet cola.
  • Moose tracks ice cream.
  • Coffee with oatmeal.

I got my cholesterol test back from the doctor this evening and everything is great!  She thought she might have to put me on cholesterol medicine based on the test I had last summer, but this diet I am on is apparently working wonders.  Yippee!!!


Author: MainAdmin

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