2022-09-19 - Chili Bowl

Day #0046 (Mon., Sep. 19, 2022) – Total Down: 12.5 lbs.!

2022-09-19 - Weigh InI weighed in this morning at 337.3 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). 2022-09-19 - HamburgerThis means that I lost 1.3 lbs. since yesterday, for a total overall loss of 12.5 lbs.

First up for today…a cheeseburger (see photo to the right).  I skipped breakfast this morning, so this was the first meal of the day for me.  As you can tell from the photo I’m running low on bread…I had to use the “heels”.  No problem.  I’m going to do an Aldi run later today.

2022-09-19 - Cherry CobblerFor dessert I had a large helping of the cherry cobbler that I made yesterday with a dollop of whipped cream (see photo to the left).  I’m sure glad that I figured out this recipe… Simple, easy, and oh so tasty.

2022-09-19 - Potato SaladFor dinner this evening I started off with a great potato salad (see photo to the right).  I just got back from making an Aldi run, so I had plenty of fixin’s.  The star ingredient in this salad were some hot tiny baked potatoes.  I smeared some lite mayo on these, and since they were hot, it spread great!  Add some salad greens, peppers, and some pickles and you are good to go!  What a great way to start your nighttime eating!

2022-09-19 - Chili BowlThe photo to the left shows my follow-up meal after the salad, some tasty chilly.  Can you see the little Vienna sausages?  Pour some Aldi chili on top of some tiny baked potatoes and you have one fine meal.

2022-09-19 - ChipsCrunch time!  Since I just got back from Aldi we have a fresh supply of chips!  I had some barbecue chips with my chili this evening.  They were out of the “no name” chips that they usually sell, so I had to pick up the Lay’s version (see photo to the right).  A bit more expensive, but since it’s Aldi, not too bad…

2022-09-19 - Diet CokeI picked up some “no name” diet Cola while at Aldi (see photo to the left).  A great way to wash down the chili & chips.

2022-09-19 - FatBoyFor dessert I had an ice cream bar (see photo to the right).  Not one of the “FatBoy” ones, although I did pick up a package of those from Aldi.  Instead, these were your regular chocolate covered ice cream bars.  Delicious nonetheless.

In finishing up this blog post this evening I had some tea left over in my coffee mug, so I put some coffee on top of that and “nuked” it in the microwave.  Kind of a tea/coffee combo I guess you could call it.  You could hardly taste the tea as the coffee was so overpowering.

That’s it for today folks!  See you tomorrow morning for another day of eating & dieting!

Author: MainAdmin

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