2022-09-18 - Root Beer

Day #0045 (Sun., Sep. 18, 2022) – Total Down: 11.2 lbs.!

2022-09-18 - Weigh InThe scale told me that I weighed 338.6 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). 2022-09-18 - WrapThis means that although I’ve lost 11.2 lbs. in total on this diet, I’ve actually gained 0.7 lbs. since yesterday. Could the cinnamon bun that I had last night be the culprit?

For my first meal this morning I had a wrap with some of the delicious chili that was waiting for me in the fridge.  As you can see in the photo to the right there was greens, corn, and chili on a low-cal wrap.

2022-09-18 - ChipsIn the photo to the left you can see that “little bit of crunch” that I oh so enjoy.  We’re running low on chips so I’m going to have to make an Aldi run soon.  I don’t feel 100% today, and we still have a bit of milk, so I can put it off till tomorrow.

2022-09-18 - Mashed PotatoesStill hungry, I finished off the chili and accompanied it with the rest of the can of corn and some mashed potatoes (see photo to the right).  Oh and don’t forget the spices on top!

2022-09-18 - Fruit SnacksThe photo to the left is a better picture of the fruit snacks that I had yesterday.  I couldn’t just take them out for a picture, right?  So, I had another pack today… 🙂

2022-09-18 - BananaFeeling a bit guilty of the fruit snacks I thought I would have something a bit healthier, like a banana (see photo to the right).  I didn’t have one of the cinnamon buns like I had yesterday, so I get points for that!

2022-09-18 - SpaghettiMy wife made some spaghetti for the kids at noon today, so I had some of that as well (see photo to the left).  I didn’t count any calories, and am not sure if any olive oil was involved, so I hope this won’t come back and bite me tomorrow…  Delicious, but the pasta was a bit overdone…

2022-09-18 - Chips2You got it…  I started looking for something “crunchy” and ended up finishing off the last bag of potato chips (see photo to the right).  I will definitely need to make a grocery store run tomorrow.

2022-09-18 - Root BeerOh, and I should add that I downed all this with a A&W Diet Root Beer (see photo to the left).  Tasty and zero calories, what’s not to like.  I see that it has no caffeine as well, but I’m not really worried about caffeine consumption, which you can probably already deduce since I drink a lot of coffee…

2022-09-18 - ChocolateHankering for something sweet, I found a milk chocolate bar (see photo to the right).  Not the whole bar, just three squares, so this has to count for something… They say that chocolate is really good for you, but I’m sure that sugar counteracts all this “greatness”.

Time for dinner!  I settled upon a hamburger as I haven’t had any of those as of late.  2022-09-18 - HamburgerNo buns hanging around the house, so I settled upon a couple of slices of low-calorie bread.  Add a slice of cheese and some ketchup and mustard and you are good to go (see photo to the left)..

2022-09-18 - NutsBack to the desire for a crunch…  As I mentioned earlier in this post, we have no chips left, so I moved on to nuts (see photo to the right).

2022-09-18 - CobblerLet’s move on to one of my favorite subjects, dessert!  Tonight I had a new “cobbler creation” that I made this evening.  I used the regular no-sugar cherry pie filling and oatmeal combo, but this time I added a bag of frozen berries, four bananas, and a lot more oatmeal.  This made a lot more cobbler to be sure, but my wife said he liked it better as it was less sweet.  You can see it with a dollop of whipped cream in the photo to the left.

As I write this blog post I’m drinking something.  You think coffee & cream right?  You’d be wrong!  I’m actually having some tea for a change.

Author: MainAdmin

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