2023-02-14 - Just Peas

Day #0045 (Tue., Feb. 14, 2023) – Just Peas!

2023-02-14 - Just PeasThis morning the scale beamed back at me the number: 330.40 lbs.  This means up actually up 1.5 lbs. since yesterday, but I’m not worried…  I’m down 17.2 lbs. overall.

The photo to the right shows some peas that I made in the air fryer.  It’s kind of out of focus, but it has a nice appeal to it don’t you think?  Kind of like some sort of modern art… 🙂  At any rate, peas make a nice change when you are looking for something a bit different.  Just vegetable soup and potato chips can get boring.  Something like this seems to be really sweet, and almost like a dessert when you have gone off sugar.

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Vegetable soup.
  • Diet cola.
  • Potato chips with ketchup.
  • Peas.
  • Diet cola.

I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and am supposed to fast after midnight.  I stopped eating around 8 pm this evening just to be sure.  I won’t have any coffee, and certainly not oat milk, till later in the day tomorrow.

See you tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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