2022-09-17 - Big Dinner

Day #0044 (Sat., Sep. 17, 2022) – Total Down: 11.9 lbs.!

2022-09-17 - Weigh InStill feeling under the weather, and not being able to sleep well, I slept in this morning. When I did get up, the scale told me that I weighed 337.9 lbs. This means I’ve lost 0.50 lbs. since yesterday and am down a total of 11.9 lbs. overall.  The weight is still going down, and it feels great!

2022-09-17 - Egg SandwichMy first meal of the day was an egg white sandwich (see photo to the right).  Egg whites, deli turkey, a slice of cheese, and something special for today…a slice of bacon, inside a couple of slices of low-cal bread with lite mayo.  Yum!!!

2022-09-17 - Pine NutsI got into the pine nuts next…  I shouldn’t have, but they were delish (see photo to the left).  They say that you are not to eat nuts directly from the package as you tend to overeat.  I broke that rule as well… 🙁

2022-09-17 - Fruit SnacksSweets time!  We’re running out of sweets in the house, so I’m going to have to make an Aldi run soon.  I settled on having one of the packages of fruits snacks that the kids usually eat (see photo to the right).

2022-09-17 - Big DinnerI had a nice long nap this afternoon.  When I got up it was time for my next meal of the day.  If you are counting, I missed breakfast this morning as I got up late.  I decided that my evening meal would make up for it… 🙂  Soooo….  I had a wonderful dish of “air fryer” hash browns with ketchup, chili, and corn (see photo to the left).

2022-09-17 - Cinnamon BunI made some cinnamon rolls for the kids this afternoon.  I wasn’t going to have one…but since I skipped breakfast, will it be okay?  The scale will tell me tomorrow morning!  You can see this tasty cinnamon roll in the photo to the right.

2022-09-17 - Cherry CobblerFor my final food item for today I finished off the cherry cobbler with blueberries that I made last night (see photo to the left).

I’m finishing off this blog post this evening and downing off a huge mug of coffee with a splash of cream.  I’m wondering how the scale will treat me tomorrow morning.  I did seem to eat less today than I have done in previous days.  Having said that, I did get into the pine nuts and naughty me, had a cinnamon bun this evening.  Won’t be long now…  Bright and early tomorrow morning the scale will be ready to tell me the real deal… 🙂

Author: MainAdmin

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