2022-09-16 - Weigh In

Day #0043 (Fri., Sep. 16, 2022) – Total Down: 11.4 lbs.!

2022-09-16 - Weigh InGood morning! I weighed in at 338.4 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left), which is already a good start to the day.  2022-09-16 - BreakfastThis means that I’m down 1.9 lbs. since yesterday, for a total weight loss of 11.4 lbs. since I started this diet.  Me loves it!

I had an old reliable for breakfast this morning…  Egg whites, deli turkey, and cheese in the microwave.  Two slices of low-cal bread and fruit jam.  You can see the combo in the photo to the right.  Wash it down with a mug of coffee and a splash of evaporated milk.

2022-09-16 - TruffleTo finish off this fine breakfast with the taste of sweetness, I finished off the last Aldi truffle (see photo to the left).  This one was white chocolate.  Rich and creamy and simply delish.  I think this might be one of my favorite treats these days as they are so good and only 70 calories per piece.

2022-09-16 - BurritoI had a wonderfully tasty burrito for lunch today (see photo to the right).  In fact I had two of them!  The vegetarian chili that was at the core of this meal was nothing special.  In fact, it kind of looked like dog food… 🙁  To jazz it up a bit I had some cut up baked potato.  Put this on a low-cal burrito with some hummus, pickles, peppers, and greens, and you have one tasty meal!

2022-09-16 - FatBoy Ice CreamMoving on to dessert I finished off the last of the FatBoy ice cream bars (see photo to the left).  The previous FatBoy ice cream bar photos were not the best, but this one came out pretty good.  You can kind of see the creaminess…

2022-09-16 - Another BurritoI had a number of options available for dinner this evening, but why change a good thing?  I finished off the rest of the burrito mix from this morning on yet another burrito (see photo to the right).  No pickles on this one…

2022-09-16 - Carmel BreadI thought that I would have something different for my dessert this evening.  It’s been something I’ve been thinking of for a while, so tonight was the time to see if it would prove to be a winner or not.  A very simple recipe to be honest with you…  Two slices of low-cal bread with some Walden Farms Zero Calorie Caramel Syrup (see photo to the left).  It was actually pretty good.  The star of the show is this caramel syrup…  I’m not sure how they can make something so good be so low calorie!

2022-09-16 - Cherry CobblerStill hungry for that sweet taste I had some cherry cobbler (see photo to the right).  I’ve mentioned this tasty dessert before in this blog, but this evening I thought I would add a special ingredient…some blueberries that I had lying around in the fridge.  This proved to be a real winner.  It added a bit of tart to the dish overall, but I think the big surprise was how creamy it made the result.  Top this with some whipped cream and you have one winner of a dessert.  Next time I’m going to try adding some frozen fruit.

That’s all for today folks!  See you at the scale tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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