2023-02-12 - Air Fryer Potato Chips

Day #0043 (Sun., Feb. 12, 2023) – Super Bowl Sunday!

2023-02-12 - Air Fryer Potato ChipsThis morning I weighed in at 330.0 lbs., which is down 3.1 lbs. since yesterday. So, this vegetable stew diet, if you can call it that, is working. I’m actually down 17.6 lbs. since I started this diet 43 days ago.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday! Vegetable stew is not really the best type of game day food, so I thought I would make some potato chips in the air fryer (see photo to the right). they came out quite well.

I saw a YouTube video of a guy making some of these tasty fries in India with this stainless steel contraption, and even saw where I could buy one on Amazon, but why not cut potatoes thin and try it out yourself before paying for one?  An air fryer would be a much healthier option if it works…  So that’s what I did and they turned out pretty good.  Add some ketchup, a diet soda, plenty of ketchup, and bring on the game!

The Chiefs beat the Eagles by the way…

Here’s what I had to eat today.

  • Vegetable Stew.
  • Diet Cola.
  • Potato chips (with ketchup)… About 5 skewers of them during the game.
  • Diet Cola (2 more during the game).

Let’s see if all these potato chips cause a problem on the scale tomorrow morning…

Author: MainAdmin

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