2023-02-11 - Stew

Day #0042 (Sat., Feb. 11, 2023) – Huge Carrot!

2023-02-11 - StewI have a bit of good news this morning in that my weight is down again. I weighed in at 333.1 lbs., down 2.4 lbs. from yesterday, and 14.5 lbs. overall.

I’m still into the vegetable stew!  You can see a huge bowl of the stuff in the photo to the right, including the huge carrot!  I find that if you leave big chunks of vegetables in the stew it makes it seem heartier.  You are consuming the same calories if you cut it up into small chunks to be sure, but huge potatoes and carrots and onions make it seem like a much heartier meal in some way.

I think I had two, or perhaps three bowls today.  The amazing thing is that I wasn’t hungry at all.  In fact, my sweet tooth seems to be gone.  This vegetable stew is the real deal…

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • One bowl of vegetable stew (see photo to the right).
  • Diet cola.
  • Another bowl of vegetable stew.
  • Diet cola.
  • Perhaps a third bowl?  Not sure…
  • Coffee with cream.

Things are going great diet wise and I’m expecting that it will be another “down day” when I step on the scale tomorrow morning!

See you then!



Author: MainAdmin

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