2022-09-13 - Wrap

Day #0040 (Tue., Sep. 13, 2022) – Total Down: 11.0 lbs.!

2022-09-13 - Weigh InStill not feeling my best today, but I got cheered up when I looked at the scale! It told me that I weighed 338.9 lbs. today, which means I lost 1.5 lbs. since yesterday for a total weight loss since I started the program of 11.0 lbs. I LUV it!

2022-09-13 - BreakfastFor my first meal today I returned to an old “stand by”, what I am calling the traditional breakfast for some reason (see photo to the right).  Egg whites covered with a slice of deli turkey and melted cheese, accompanied with a couple of pieces of low-cal bread and fruit jam.  Sure hits the spot!

2022-09-13 - Ice Cream BarMoving to dessert, I had an ice cream bar (see photo to the left).  A regular one…no nuts or anything…still delish…  These little yummies are super cheap at Aldi, another plus!

2022-09-13 - WrapI was surprised I didn’t eat more for breakfast.  I guess this cold or virus or “whatever” is still curbing my appetite.  At any rate, when noon came around I was in the mood for a wrap (see photo to the right).  Low-cal tortilla, hummus, greens, pickles, peppers, cabbage, and deli chicken.  Delish!

2022-09-13 - ChipsI just love the “crunch” that potato chips add to a meal, so I decided to indulge in these crispy little yummies for lunch today (see photo to the left).

2022-09-13 - FatBoy BarFor dessert I had my second ice cream bar for the day.  This time it was a “FatBoy” bar!  The “Toffee Crunch Sundae” version (see photo to the right).  Only 150 calories, as I mentioned earlier in this blog, and delish from the first bite to the last.

2022-09-13 - TruffleI was still hankering for a little bite of “something extra”, so I zeroed in on the truffles that I got from Aldi the other day.  The red arrow in the photo to the left shows the one I chose.  It turned out to be a chocolatey version.  Delish, but I must say not as nice as the red one that I had the other day.  It would be hard to live up to the deliciousness of that red one… 🙂

2022-09-13 - Chicken & FriesMy wife made some chicken & fries for the kids in the air fryer this evening (see photo to the right).  I was debating on whether to have any, but I relented (see photo to the right).  Not as low-cal as I would have liked, but we’ll see if the scale punished me for it tomorrow morning.  I’ve been eating pretty good today, so maybe it won’t even show up…

2022-09-13 - Tomato SoupI only had a small version of the chicken & chips, so I was still hungry.  Soup seems to really “hit the spot” when you are sick, so I opted for some tomato soup with a couple of slices of low-cal bread (see photo to the left).  It was condensed soup, so I added some almond milk.  The almond milk was “vanilla flavor” and not the best addition.  Next time I will either add regular milk, or water, or a non-flavored nut milk.

2022-09-13 - AppleI thought I would start of the dessert process this evening on the healthy end of the scale.  I opted for two apples (see photo to the right).

2022-09-13 - FatBoy Bar2The healthy side of the equation didn’t last long, as I soon opted for another ice cream bar (see photo to the left).  This makes it three ice cream bars for the day.  They are only 150 calories each though…  Let’s see what the scale says tomorrow!  Having an ice cream bar every now and then is probably okay, but three is perhaps a bit too much…

For my final meal item for the day I decided I would have something a bit different.  2022-09-13 - Fruit SnacksSome “Fruit Flavored Snacks” (see photo to the right.  Gummies to be more exact.  They were delish, but there weren’t many of them in the package.  Made more for kids…

For my final “act of eating” this evening was a big mug of instant coffee with a splash of evaporated milk.

As seems to be the norm these days, no exercise today… It has been on my mind that I should probably start to do some ab exercises to try and sure up the loose skin that I will be developing as I lose all this weight. Just sayin…

See you tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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