2022-09-14 - Truffle #2

Day #0041 (Wed., Sep. 14, 2022) – Total Down: 11.0 lbs.!

2022-09-14 - Wrap2022-09-14 - Weigh InStill not feeling my best, but trying my best to get to my daily routine. First things first, weigh in. Today the scale told me that I weighed 338.8 lbs. This means I’ve lost 0.0 lbs. since yesterday, so I’m still down a total of 11.0 lbs. overall.

I skipped breakfast today.  Not feeling my best, got up late, and busy…  So, my first meal was a wrap (see photo to the right).  2022-09-14 - PizzaA great wrap actually.  A low-cal tortilla, hummus, greens, pickles, deli turkey, and a slice of cheese.  Yum!

I made a pizza for the kids this afternoon, and had a couple of pieces myself (see photo to the left).  This version was actually a Red Baron stuffed cheese pizza.  Delish!  The pieces were rather small, so that counts for something…

2022-09-14 - SoupNext up?  Some cream of mushroom soup (see photo to the right).  It was condensed so I added a cup of milk to thin it out and add an extra measure of flavor.  Not nut milk for me today!  I even added a couple of slices of the rather tasty Keto bread that I get from Aldi.

2022-09-14 - TruffleTruffles anyone?  Yes please!  Today I had a white chocolate version (see photo to the left).  Delish for sure, but it can’t live up to the raspberry version I had the other day.

2022-09-14 - DinnerI had a fantastic dinner this evening (see photo to the right).  It was actually a large salad bowl full of greens, potatoes, green peppers, and a hamburger patty on top.  The dressing of choice today?  My fave…  Lite mayo, ketchup, and pickles.

2022-09-14 - Diet Root BeerWe mention food quite a bit in this blog, so I’d like to take a few moments to mention a new favorite drink of mine.  A&W Diet Root Beer (see photo to the left).  Can’t beat the 0 calorie selling point!  I’m not sure what it is about root beer, but I think it brings back the “care free” days of youth!  At least for me!

2022-09-14 - ChipsBack to food…  Back to a “crunchy treat” that I’ve been having…  Chips!  Tonight I had the barbecue version (see photo to the right).

2022-09-14 - Truffle #2Time for something sweet!  Truffle #2 today!  My all time favorite was on the table today…  “Raspberry” (see photo to the left).  You can really taste that raspberry flavor with this yummy little tidbit.  This box is almost gone now, so I will have to be sure to get another one the next time I’m at Aldi.

2022-09-14 - Ice Cream BarOk, now to my final food item for the day.  Do you know what it is?  If you search back through the blog the past few days I bet you could make a good guess.  FatBoy Ice Cream Bar (see photo to the right).  At least I had only one ice cream bar today, so that has to count for something.

Ah, exercise…  Still none today.  I’m not feeling my best, still trying to fight off this cold virus, so I really didn’t feel like it.  Once I get better I’m going to have to get at it…  I don’t want to look back and say “I wished I hadda”…

As I’m writing this blog post this evening I’m downing a mug of coffee with a bit of evaporated milk.  Time for bed soon.  Will the scale be good to me tomorrow?  I like the fact that I’m down 11.0 lbs. so far… Keep up the good work and you will be rewarded over time.

See you tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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