2023-02-06 - Chicken Salad

Day #0037 (Mon., Feb. 6, 2023) – Time To Switch It Up!

2023-02-06 - Chicken SaladMy weight was up a bit today. I weighed in at 333.90 lbs., meaning it is up 2.2 lbs., but I’m still down by 13.7 lbs. since this diet began.

So, it looks like all those cashews and bananas I had last night did result in my weight going up…  Surprise, Surprise!!!

I had a nice chicken salad today to help get back on track with my dieting regimen (see photo to the right).

I’m reminded of a time about five years ago now when I lost 60 lbs…  The key to this, I feel, was NOT sticking to a particular diet, but SWITCHING it up a bit.  I would go Keto for a while, then vegan for a while, then “this” and then “that”…  I think the beauty of this is that you never got into your mind that you would NEVER be able to have a certain food for the rest of your life, so you didn’t obsess about that…  I think I will try this again…  How?  Well, tomorrow I’m going to go on a potato diet.  I might add other foods to this diet eventually, but let’s start off with just potatoes first!

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Chicken, salad, peppers, Stilton cheese, and peanut butter (see photo to the right).
  • Blue cheese & peanut butter.
  • Two scrambled eggs.
  • Stilton cheese.
  • Coffee with cream.

See you tomorrow at the scale, whenever I decide to weigh myself that is…

Author: MainAdmin

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