I weighed in this morning at 344.5 lbs., which means I am down 1.4 lbs. since yesterday, and 5.30 lbs. overall. I will take it!
I’m really loving my breakfasts these days. The low-cal bread and the egg whites are very filling for few calories. In the photo to the right you can see one of these breakfasts with some fruit jam, turkey slices, and swiss cheese.
Still hungry, I decided to have an egg sandwich (see photo to the left). I love this combo! What’s not to love about something that reminds you of a trip to McDonalds or Chick-Fil-A without all those extra calories!
Lunch Time! Today I had another egg white sandwich, with a slice of swiss cheese, deli turkey, some greens, and store bought hummus (via Aldi of course). I washed it down with a Coke Zero and topped it off with a banana for dessert. I debated on whether or not to buy some store bought hummus today, but in the end I relented. It’s only about 30-40 calories per tablespoon, but it adds so much flavor. If my weight starts to go up because of it I will remove it from my grocery list.
I felt like having something really hearty for dinner this evening, so I had this delicious dish that you can see in the photo to the left. Tiny baked potatoes covered with some Aldi chili & beans and 1/2 can of corn. The sauce on the chili did so much to add to the flavor that I didn’t need any more seasoning.
Quick, easy, and delish. Next time I might add a bit of hot sauce to spice it up a bit more!
For my evening dessert I had a combination of sweet treats (see photo to the right). I started off with a popsicle, then followed that up with a frozen ice cream bar. Feeling a “dad” guilty I had a banana, and then had three little chocolates with my evening coffee & oat milk. Quite the combo, but I ate pretty well all day today, so I think I could afford this little indulgence.
No exercise today! I was out and about running errands for most of the day, so that surely expended quite a few calories, right? Well, at least more than sitting behind a computer… At any rate, I didn’t get on the rowing machine or do any form of “formal” exercise today. Let’s see what the scale has to say about this tomorrow morning!