2022-08-31 - Dinner

Day #0027 (Wed., Aug. 31, 2022) – Total Down: 3.90 lbs.!

2022-08-31 - Weigh InI weighed in this morning at 345.9 lbs. (see photo to the left), which means I’m down 0.8 lbs. since yesterday and 3.90 lbs. overall.

2022-08-31 - BreakfastFor breakfast this morning I was longing for a more “traditional breakfast” like I had when I was a child.  What do I mean by this?  Well bacon and eggs and toast.  So…  I decided that I would recreate it in low-cal mode (see photo to the right).  This included an egg white sandwich with some sliced deli turkey and a slice of cheese.  I also had a couple of pieces of 45 calorie bread with some all fruit jam.  Delish!  So much so in fact that I had two of these… 🙂

2022-08-31 - Lunch (2)For lunch I had a salad and a turkey & egg white sandwich (see photo to the left).  For dressing I had a homemade “Big Mac” type of a dressing which I made from lite mayo, ketchup, and pickles.

2022-08-31 - DinnerI thought I would have something a bit different this evening for dinner.  A huge salad with greens, bell peppers, pickles, and some of the “Big Mac” sauce that I had earlier in the day.  I wrapped this all up in a  couple of the keto tortillas that I picked up at Aldi the other day.  You can see the finished product in the photo to the right.

Let’s move on to one of my favorite subjects, dessert!  I found this caramel syrup from Walden Farms in the fridge that I love and added it to some oatmeal (see photo to the right).  2022-08-31 - DessertTasty and filling and it sure hit the spot this evening! A little secret trick about oatmeal that I didn’t really practice in this evening’s version. If you add a liquid, and nuke it, and wait, and then add some more liquid, and nuke it, and wait, it will really “puff up”. This is really good if you want volume to fill up your stomach and get that “satiated feeling”.

Exercise?  Not tonight.  I planned to, but life happens. Hopefully the scale won’t penalize me for this tomorrow morning.

Just before bed this evening I had a nice big mug of instant Folger’s coffee and some oat milk.

That’s it for another day in the “dieting realm”. See you tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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