2022-08-29 - Chicken Noodle Soup

Day #0025 (Mon., Aug. 29, 2022) – Total Down: 2.80 lbs.!

2022-08-29 - Weigh InI weighed in this morning at 347.0 lbs. this morning.  Up quite a bit, which is considerable given yesterday’s “feast of food”.  Up 2.9 lbs. since yesterday, yet I am still down 2.80 lbs. overall.  Let’s eat better today, shall we?

2022-08-29 - Egg SandwichesFor breakfast I had two egg white sandwiches (see photo to the right).  Sure looks like a lot of food, right?  Well, it’s not too bad calorie wise when you consider the 45 calorie per slice bread and the homemade hummus.  Egg whites are very low in calories as well, and as you can tell they make up the bulk of the sandwich.  A slice of turkey and a slice of cheese… yum!  It kept me full all morning.

2022-08-29 - Chicken Noodle SoupFor lunch today I had the can of chicken noodle soup that I picked up at Aldi the other day (see photo to the left).  It’s been a long while since I had chicken noodle soup, and it sure hit the spot.  I also had a couple more egg white sandwiches with lots of greens.

2022-08-29 - BananasFor dessert I had a couple of bananas (see photo to the right).  Can you see how good I’ve been so far today?  I need to make up for the disaster eating day that I had yesterday… 🙂

2022-08-29 - Vanilla Granola BarFor dessert I also had a great little granola bar that I picked up at Aldi the other day (see photo to the left).  Only 100 calories, but it sure tasted good!  I know a lot of people like chocolate, but I actually think that I prefer vanilla to chocolate… Just saying!

2022-08-29 - WrapsLet’s move on to dinner shall we?  I had a couple of tasty potato & salad wraps (see photo to the right).  I did have a bit of lite mayo on the potatoes, and as you can tell, a bit of guacamole on the wraps.  Very tasty and filling.  If you’ve never tried anything like this you certainly should.

2022-08-29 - OatmealI was still hungry later on this evening so I decided that I would have some oatmeal (see photo to the left).  Not just any oatmeal mind you, but oatmeal with a bit of PB2 butter and some chocolate cupcake protein powder.  Oh, and I had a banana on top as well.

So I was planning on getting onto the rowing machine this evening but it was not to be.  Not sure why, I just ran out of time.  They say that eating is the main ingredient to losing weight, so you’d have to agree that I ate pretty well today, don’t you think?

Just before bedtime I had some coffee with oat milk.  Time for a good night’s sleep and we’ll see what the scale tells me tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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