2023-01-21 - Keto Salad

Day #0021 (Sat., Jan. 21, 2023) – Keto Salad!

2023-01-21 - Keto SaladThis morning my weight was up again at 344.3 lbs. This means that I’ve gained 1.8 lbs. since yesterday, but on the good side of the equation I’m down 3.3 lbs. overall.

I was watching a YouTube video that said the reason people have a “gut” is that they have too much insulin in their body and need to get rid of sugar from their diet.  Ok, I’ll try it.  I’ve tried it before but I will be real serious on it this time.  No sugar, and no sugar substitutes…  I even went to Aldi this morning to stock up on supplies.  You can see the two delish salads I made from the ingredients in the photo to the right.

So, the salad to the right is about 8oo calories, as it includes mostly veggies, but a hamburger patty, some feta cheese, and oil and vinegar dressing.  I had two of them for a total of 1600 calories.

In addition to eliminating sugar from my diet I’m going to try to do intermittent fasting as well, limiting my two meals from between 12 noon and 6 pm.

I didn’t do any exercise today, but I might add some in the future.  I guess that exercising helps to burn off any extra glycogen in the system…or at least that’s what the video said…

Let’s see what the scale says tomorrow morning.

Author: MainAdmin

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