2023-01-20 - Sweet Soggy

Day #0020 (Fri., Jan. 20, 2023) – Sweet But Soggy!

2023-01-20 - Sweet SoggyThis morning my weight is going down again. I weighed in at 342.5 lbs., meaning I’m down 2.0 lbs. since yesterday, and 5.1 lbs. overall.

Take a look at the tasty treats in the photo to the right.  Just regular sweet potatoes that I put into the “air fryer”, but I soaked them a bit in maple syrup before hand.  They had that extra sweetness that I liked, but they were kind of “soggy”.  I even put them in the air fryer for an extra hour at a low 150 degree dehydrator setting, but still no go.  I think if I kept dehydrating them they would end up being rather delicious sweet potato chips, but I could not wait that long.

Here’s what I munched on today:

  • Potato cakes (2 of them) for breakfast.
  • Diet cola.
  • Potatoes & onions in the air fryer.
  • Two bags of potato chips (bad on me).
  • Two frozen Arctic Bars (double bad on me).
  • Popcorn (healthier option, but still bad).
  • Another diet cola.
  • Mug of coffee with creamer.

Let’s see if the scale rewards or punishes me tomorrow…


Author: MainAdmin

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