2022-08-22 - Peanut Butter Sandwich

Day #0018 (Mon., Aug. 22, 2022) – Total Down: 4.60 lbs.!

2022-08-22 - Weigh In2022-08-22 - Wendy'sThis morning I weighed in at 345.2 lbs. (see photo to the left). This means that I’m down 0.70 lbs. since yesterday and 4.60 lbs. overall. The journey continues!

I skipped breakfast this morning, so I could afford to have a rather hearty lunch. I took the kids to Wendy’s and while they each had the 4 for $4, I had a plain baked potato with a large chili (see photo to the right). I washed it down with a glass of water.

2022-08-22 - Potato SaladLunch was very filling so I was not hungry till after 5 pm this evening. I started off with a potato salad (see photo to the left).  Pretty simple actually, a bed of lettuce with my special dressing (lite mayo, ketchup, and pickles), and some cold baked potatoes that I made the other day.

2022-08-22 - Peanut Butter SandwichI was still hungry afterward, so I thought I would have something a bit different,  a peanut butter sandwich (see photo to the right).  That peanut butter was delish and sure hit the spot!

I didn’t have any time to exercise this evening… Time just flew!

This evening, which has become customary, I had a large mug of coffee with some oat milk. It’s amazing how that oat milk seems to be “cream” like…at least to me.

I’m pretty excited about the progress of this program so far.  I don’t seem to be hungry during the day, which is definitely a plus.  Let’s hope the progress continues!

Author: MainAdmin

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