2022-08-21 - Apple

Day #0017 (Sun., Aug. 21, 2022) – Total Down: 3.90 lbs.!

2022-08-21 - Weigh InI weighed in at 345.9 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that I’m down a total of 3.90 lbs.  This 1800 calorie/3 meals per day program is working so far!

2022-08-21 - CerealFor breakfast this morning I thought that I would have some of the “Boo Berry” cereal that I picked up for the kids the other day (see photo to the right). Even cereal like this is not too bad if you keep it under 500 calories! The trouble is, will this keep me as full as say some potatoes would in the morning? Having said that, it is nice to be able to satisfy your sweet tooth from time-to-time!

2022-08-21 - AppleFor lunch today I had a couple of my low-cal wraps with some homemade hummus I made and a chopped up green pepper and lettuce. Low-cal, and rather filling I might add. For dessert I had an apple (see photo to the left).

2022-08-21 - Potatoes & SauceDinner this evening was much more hearty than my breakfast and lunch. I had a bowl of potatoes with some of the spaghetti sauce that my wife made for me (see photo to the right). For dessert I had a banana.

I was tired this evening so I went to bed early. I should have exercised today, but I didn’t. I got talking to my son in the living room and we watched some YouTube videos rather than my more regular regimen of rowing machine & news. Oh well… Sometimes you just need to take a break, and today was it.

Still sticking with my 1800 calorie per day diet. In fact today I even ate a bit better than that. Of course I didn’t get my exercise in, so let’s see what the scale says tomorrow…

Author: MainAdmin

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