2022-08-23 - Minestrone Soup

Day #0019 (Tue., Aug. 23, 2022) – Total Down: 5.70 lbs.!

2022-08-23 - Weigh InI weighed in at 344.1 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left).  This means that I am down 0.90 lbs. since yesterday, and 5.70 lbs. overall!.

2022-08-23 - Hot DogsFor breakfast this morning I felt like a couple of hot dogs (see photo to the right). Not really your usual breakfast meal, but as long as it’s under 500 calories, I can have it! That’s the nice thing about this program, just a few rules to adhere to, and you win!

2022-08-23 - SaladFor lunch today a salad hit the spot! A bed of lettuce with some of my “lite mayo, ketchup, and pickle” dressing, and some potatoes on top (see photo to the left). For garnish I had some crispy little jalapeno strips that I picked up at Trader Joe’s a while back. What a great addition to a salad if you want it to give that little “kick” of heat!

2022-08-23 - Minestrone SoupDinner this evening consisted of some minestrone soup! I cut up some of the potatoes that I baked in the oven a couple of days ago. As an addition I had one of the 70-calorie tortillas and my homemade hummus (see photo to the right).

2022-08-23 - Nuts & FruitI was good today so this evening I thought I would have something “extra special”. A bowl of nuts and dried fruit (see photo to the left). What a great thing to snack on with my evening mug of coffee & oat milk!

No exercise again today. I should be exercising, but things have been quite hectic as of late. At any rate, as long as you are eating well exercise is a “nice addition”.

See you tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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